1966: Bobby Moore as St George Football Association
Project: The St George’s Park Trail and Timeline: England Football History and Heritage
Background: The new England Football team identity is being based on three themes: ‘Original’, ‘Fearless’ and ‘Composed’. The work was for a collaborative exhibition.
Brief: An image of St George, looking like England’s 1966 World Cup Captain, Bobby Moore in some way ‘slaying’ or conquering a dragon. Introducing the concepts of ‘Original’, ‘Fearless’ and ‘Composed. The image may include the St. George cross. The image could be playful but avoid too much of a ‘nationalistic’ emphasis.
Project Leads: Professor Jean Williams (University of Wolverhampton) and Professor Paul Wells (Loughborough University)
Client: FA

Cropped detail from the Illustration
Visual Case Study, Animation Academy, Loughborough University: ‘History and Heritage Timeline’ Installation/Presentation, England National Football Centre, St George’s Park, Burton, England, September 2018.
All content copyright ©. Helen Nowell Illustration. No reproduction without written, expressed permission from Helen Nowell.